Getting The Assistance And Help You Need With Your Injury Claim

Starting the injury claim process can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right help on your side, you can easily navigate through the legalities to bring you the best possible outcome for your case. Here are the steps you should take if you have fallen victim to an injury.

Seek Medical Attention

The first thing you should do if you have been injured is to seek medical attention, even if you think it’s not overly serious. Often, the difference between a successful claim and one that’s not is the extent of the medical records used as evidence to support the claim. You will need to keep a detailed log of any expenses related to your injury, and you should ask your doctor for a copy of your medical records after each visit. You must advise your employer of the injury and fill out an incident report as soon as possible.

What Is Classed As A Injury?

injuries fall under several categories depending on the type. Here are some of the most common ones:

Find The Right Representation

To ensure you are adequately compensated, seeking legal advice’s a good idea. A quick internet search will reveal hundreds, if not thousands, of lawyers nearby. So, how do you know which one will represent you best? There are many areas of law, and each has its complexities. To get the absolute best result, you must find a lawyer specialising in your type of injury claim.

How Does It Work?

You will have to contact an injury lawyer. Most offer free consultations over the phone, and they will ask you a series of questions to determine whether you have a good case for compensation. The injury lawyer can give you an idea of the entitlements you can claim based on the information you provided.

Your injury lawyer will ask you for all the evidence you have to support your claim. Relevant documentation includes medical files, employee statements, photographs of the incident, and proof of expenditure concerning your recovery. Once all essential evidence has been gathered, your lawyer will submit your claim to your insurer.

Most of the time, the insurer will offer you a settlement amount. You can decide if this is a reasonable payment under your lawyer’s advice. If you are unhappy with the figure the insurer has offered, or your claim has been rejected, you may have to take the matter to court. Your injury lawyer will advise you on the appropriate steps based on your circumstances.

Ask About Their ‘No Win, No Fee’ Policy

While conducting your research, you will likely encounter your fair share of ‘No Win, No Fee’ lawyers. It’s standard practice for injury lawyers to offer this nowadays. Before signing anything, you should have an in-depth understanding of the fine print in the contract. Some may still require payment if they do not win; you must be mindful of this as it can cost you thousands of dollars. Look for an injury firm that covers all expenses if they lose.

What Will It Cost?

The cost is a huge factor for many, and you should be aware of how much the entire claim process will be so you don’t see yourself excessively out of pocket. Injury lawyer’s fees vary depending on their policy. Here is what you should be looking for to save yourself money:

Capped or fixed fees – Find out if the injury lawyer works on a fixed or capped fee basis or charges by the hour. If they charge by the hour, you could see yourself paying every time you correspond with them, and this can become quite expensive, especially if all you need to do is ask a simple question.

If the up-front costs are covered – Even if a firm claims to cover all up-front expenses, there may be some costs they do not fund, such as specialist medical reports needed to support your claim. Some injury lawyers do cover all costs; however, they charge them interest. Make sure you ask about this.

Timeframes Apply For Injury Claims

It is essential to start the injury claim process as soon as possible as time limits apply. Putting off your claim may see you miss out on the compensation you are entitled to. Your injury lawyer will be able to advise you of the stipulated time frame relevant to your situation. In most instances, it cannot be more than three years after the injury has occurred to claim compensation.

Speak To Trusted Professionals

If you have sustained an injury, speak to an experienced injury lawyer to discuss your options; you don’t have to go through it alone. Here at South East Injury Lawyers, we specialise in this area of the law and have many years of experience helping Queenslanders gain the compensation they need to get them on the road to recovery. Check out our website for more information or call our expert team on +61 7 5594 8460.

Book your free initial advice

If you’ve been hurt, you need to act fast. Get started immediately
with expert advice from a leading compensation lawyer today.

If you’ve been hurt, you need to act fast. Get started immediately with expert advice from a leading compensation lawyer today.

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