Have You Had A Injury Claim Or Car Accident Through Covid-19? Here Is What You Need To Do

If you are dealing with a injury, that is stressful enough let alone having to navigate the claim process amid a global pandemic. If you are worried about the effects covid-19 could place on your claim, you are not alone. The good news is like many professions lawyers have had to change the way they do business and most are still working as they normally would just with some slight differences.

How COVID-19 May Affect Your Injury Claim

COVID-19 has impacted many aspects of our lives and it is not unusual to have to wait longer than normal for some services. When lodging a claim, you may notice there are lengthy delays due to disrupted services causing a backlog.

What About My Claim If There Is A Lockdown?

The courts remain open as they are recognised as an essential service, but, in lockdown periods, hearing times are slashed and many cases end up getting adjourned to make time for more urgent matters. While this will delay your claim, you should know that injury lawyers are still working, just remotely. They will continue to communicate with you during this time and advise you of the steps you should be taking to progress your claim to the next stage.

Other Ways COVD-19 May Affect Your Case

– If you have lost your job due to COVID-19, you may feel obligated to settle your case for a lesser amount to give yourself some sort of cash flow.

– Delays in necessary medical treatment and you may notice many of your appointments are being offered via video or telehealth consultations.

– Slow insurance refunds. This can add to the financial stress. If you are experiencing a longer than normal refund wait, it’s best to get in touch with your insurance provider to follow up on the status of your rebate. You can also check with your health care provider to ensure they processed it.

From Your End, Here’s What You Can Do To Ensure Your Claim Stays On Track

Seek Legal Advice

If you haven’t already, it is a good idea to speak to a legal professional to discuss your options. They can advise you of what you need to do to increase your chances of receiving a settlement figure you are satisfied with. This area of the law is complex and working with an experienced injury lawyer is your best chance of securing the compensation you are entitled to.

Keep In Contact With Your Lawyer

Injury lawyers now provide alternative points of contact other than the telephone or in person. Many offer video consultations which are as close as you can get to a face-to-face appointment if you physically can’t attend due to medical reasons or a mandatory lockdown. If your state or territory must go into mandatory lockdown when you are due to attend, they will notify you and arrange an alternative time. Make sure you update your lawyer with changes if any and forward relevant information to support your claim as soon as you can. Not doing this can delay the progression of your case.

Medical Appointments

The health industry has copped the brunt of the impact when it comes to coronavirus and it has placed unprecedented demand on many medical sectors. Up to date medical records are vital to supporting your claim, so it’s important to go to your appointments. If you believe your health is at risk by going to an in-clinic appointment, ask your medical professional if you can take it via telehealth or a video call instead. This can cut down on the time it takes to attend an appointment

The possibility of a pending lockdown is high and if your state or territory has been ordered to undergo a lockdown period, you don’t need to cancel your appointment you can still attend as medical is deemed essential. If you want to cancel, your lawyer can contact the medical provider on your behalf and express any concerns. They can try to get you another appointment as soon as possible to avoid delaying the process.

Do Not Wait

Don’t make the mistake of just waiting until COVID-19 has settled down to start the claim process. Time frames apply and being able to relay important details is beneficial to your case. You will need to follow up on your lawyer’s instructions and waiting too long can see you miss out on an opportunity to gather crucial information used to support your claim.

Rest Assured That Through COVID-19:

injury lawyers continue to work either on site or remotely and you will still receive high-quality legal services regardless of the delivery. They work closely with the courts and necessary service providers to minimise the disruption to your case. If COVID-19 has impacted you negatively financially, you may be considering settling as soon as you can, however, this can see you short-changed. In most instances, it’s best to see the claim process to the end to receive the full compensation you are owed.

Need Some Help?

If you’ve had a car accident through COVID-19 and you’re not sure where to start, the first step should be speaking with an experienced injury lawyer. They can get you on the right track and help you with the entire claim process. Our senior lawyers here at SouthEast Injury Lawyers are South East Queensland’s preferred injury legal team. Get in touch today for your obligation free consultation.

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with expert advice from a leading compensation lawyer today.

If you’ve been hurt, you need to act fast. Get started immediately with expert advice from a leading compensation lawyer today.

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